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One Event with multiple resources

Asked by Anonymous
9 years ago.


Is it posible to have an event which uses multiple resources?

ex: have event "A", this event is displayed on Resource "R1" AND "R2".

if not out of the box, can i modify the event/resource selector to add multiple resources.

Thanks for the reply.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

You need to create a special entry for each of the event x resource combination.

You can use "joint events" feature to link them together so they will be moved and resized together:

Example: = [
 { name: "Event", id: "5.1", resource: "R1", join: 5,  .... },
 { name: "Event", id: "5.2", resource: "R2", join: 5,  .... },
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