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Is DayPilot right for this job?

Asked by Gus
10 years ago.


I need to build an application that allows the user to choose three dates only. I also need the admin to be able to select/deselect dates that the user cannot choose.

So I will have an entity that stores available dates and one to store user selections.

Is this possible with DayPilot?

If so, how would I go about it?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

There are three views/controls that will let you display one cell per day:

1. Navigator (a small monthly calendar that usually serves as a date picker)

2. Monthly event calendar (a similar format but it allows you to insert items/events in the day cells):

3. Scheduler (it displays days on the horizontal axis for multiple resources):

All these components will allow you to select days by clicking on them. This user action will fire TimeRangeSelected event. The rest is in your hands - you can mark the clicked days as selected using a custom CSS class, insert an event with details (saying "selected" or something similar), and allow actions depending on the user role (clear the selection, select other days, etc.).

You can also mark the forbidden days using BeforeCellRender event (use a custom color or CSS class):

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