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Is it possible to show 'custom' object data (i.e. not appointments) in month view?

Asked by Chris Lewis
15 years ago.

We have a requirement to show a month view with each day cell displaying 'activity' information - so it's not appointment data at all. In addition we need to be able to show a custom popup form when a day cell is clicked - not the predefined appointment form.

An activity needs to be represented by a specific (custom) icon, and alongside the activity icon we need to show a total elapsed time for that activity (in hh:mm format). There will be multiple activities for each day.

We also need to display some other info/icons in each day cell.

Is this sort of thing possible with this control - is it even appropriate, or do I need to look elsewhere?

Thanks for any help or advice on this.


Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

You might be interested in this demo page:

This is a special mode (EventStackingMode="Cell") where the "event" can actually be any record bound to a specific day. In addition, you can specify custom database fields that will be used for ordering the events inside a day cell.

Other comments:

  • Custom action is possible (you can show an external popup window, a modal popup using ModalPopupExtender, etc.). The click will trigger PostBack/CallBack/custom JavaScript depending on the EventClickHandling property setting.
  • Custom icons: You can use BeforeEventRender event handler to define custom HTML using e.InnerHTML property. That can include images/icons, custom text and formatting (including the duration).
  • Custom text in the day cell: There is no direct way to write into the cell body (it's occupied by the event/activity boxes anyway). You can however modify the header using BeforeCellRender event handler. By modifying the source code, you should be able to write into the cell body as well.
Comment posted by Chris Lewis
15 years ago.

Thanks for your reply, we will look at these options.


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