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Time columns with minutes printed

Asked by Darren
17 years ago.

Is it possible for the cells in between each hour to have their time in minutes listed. E,g if an houris divided into 10 cells the first cell will be 06, the next 12 and so on?

Many thanks for a great product.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
For DayPilotScheduler, it's possible, and you have probably already seen it in the examples.

For DayPilotCalendar, it's not supported. However, I plan to make some changes to the hour rendering code (allowing custom formatting, in the same way it's supported in DPS) so I will take this into account.
Comment posted by Redd
17 years ago.

Will this feature be available in one of the upcomming releases (ie, 4.5 or 4.6)?

Also, if the time increment that was suggested cannot be done, will you have something like a BeforeHourCellRender event that can be raised where you can customize the content of the hour cell?

Would it be possible to have a second column next to the hour column that contains the minutes, where this new column would have the same graduations as the data columns? The main hour cell would then contain the hour component, and this second set of column cells would contain the minute cells. Just a thought...?


Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
As the first step, it will be a BeforeHeaderRender mechanims. Most likely not in 4.5 but 4.6 is realistic.

Adding another column is also an option (I will be adding the possibility to add more header columns into DayPilotScheduler soon). That's a more difficult change because it affects the layout so it will need to wait a bit longer.
Comment posted by Anonymous
16 years ago.

I need to be able to add the minutes in addition to the hour in the Calendar as well. Has anything been added to allow this yet? I couldn't find a way to add the minutes using 4.7.

Comment posted by Anonymous
14 years ago.

Dan, any word on this feature? I have been waiting for mins on the calendar for a while now.


Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

It's now possible to customize the row headers in the Calendar using BeforeTimeHeaderRender since 6.2.

See also this example:

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