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How to add style to cells

Asked by Thomas
1 year ago.


I want to add CSS styling to some specific empty cells (e.g. lunch time) in my DayPilot Week Calendar. Do you know how I can proceed? All empty cells are equivalent in HTML code, I have no idea to target them, and when the Calendar is rendered.

Thank you very much for your comments.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

In the Pro version, you can use the onBeforeCellRender event handler to customize the calendar cells - you can add custom CSS class to selected cells or modify the appearance directly.

Unfortunately, onBeforeCellRender is not available in the Lite version at the moment.

Comment posted by Thomas
1 year ago.

Thank you for your feedback.

It suddenly makes things less easy.


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