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TimeRangeSelected click and context menu

Asked by Anonymous
17 years ago.

Dear Dan!
Currently I use a ContextMenu to handleTimeRangeSelected event like this:
It works correctly, but I would like to reach the most common menu item quicker, using a simple click event, but using the rightClick Context menu for the other functions. Is it possible?Can Iseparate a Click eventon an empty cell from a RightClick on a time range?It is possible in case of events: EventClickHandling and EventRightClickHandling, but I can not see these options for a time range.


Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
This is not possible with the current version.

However, it seems to be a reasonable request, I will try to include this feature. It will only require a careful integration into the API so it's not too messy. In fact, that's my biggest concern, because technically it's easy to do.
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