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Load events with skipping non business cells.

Asked by Anonymous
6 years ago.

I am using angular 7 component and populating events data using = dataArray, i have set the eventMoveSkipNonBusiness = true. but on first bulk load, some events start/end falls on non-business cell. but i want them to skip non-business hours. tried adding some seconds to start and calling event.update() method. which do update the start/end values but not firing the onEventMoved handler. eventMoveHandling='Update'.

scenario works fine and move some event using mouse.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

The events are defined using start/end (not using start and duration). When creating new events using the Scheduler with non-business days hidden the Scheduler will return the correct dates (taking the hidden days into account).

However, it won't change the existing dates when loading events. You need make sure that your data match your rules and that should be done on the server side.

Comment posted by Anonymous
6 years ago.

Thanks, Dan. will give it a try.

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