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The timeHeaderCellDuration property does not produce specified time interval cells

Asked by RajeshB
9 years ago.

I'm working with the Daypilot Event Calendar Pro javascript(version - 1418).
I'm trying to achieve 15 minute time header intervals using the timeHeaderCellDuration = 15; property, but it does not produce 15 minute intervals for me.
Do i need to write script in dpc.onBeforeTimeHeaderRender event to achieve this?

Kindly help me to fix this problem.

Fiddle can be found here:

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

This issue is now fixed in the latest build (7.9.1426).

The jsfiddle now works fine. You can customize the time header HTML using onBeforeTimeHeaderRender:

Comment posted by RajeshB
9 years ago.

Thanks for your quick reply.

Comment posted by RajeshB
9 years ago.

Hi Dan,
The timeHeaderCellduration property is working fine but it is not considering the
cellDuration = 15,
timeHeaderCellduration =15,
dayBeginsHour: 7,
dayEndsHour: 18 properties.
To achieve this, i have changed properties to
dayBeginsHour: 28, (this is straight forward, from 12am to 7am i.e., 7* 15 =28)
dayEndsHour: 39, I didn't understand this part.

Could you please help me?

Fiddle can be found here:

Comment posted by RajeshB
9 years ago.

small correction to above question:
dayBeginsHour: 28, (this is straight forward, from 12am to 7am i.e., 7 * 4 =28)
I'm using the version 7429.
And the events are also disappeared when i'm using below proprties:
dayBeginsHour: 28,
dayEndsHour: 39.

Comment posted by RajeshB
9 years ago.

I'm using the version 1429**

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

There was one more bug that displayed incorrect hour headers. It's fixed now in 1432.

I have updated the jsfiddle a bit:

The events are moved to the init options and dayBeginsHour and dayEndsHour are switched back to the intended values.

Comment posted by RajeshB
9 years ago.

Thanks Dan...

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