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Modifying the args.cell.start, args.cell.end properties

Asked by RajeshB
10 years ago.

I'm working on the Daypiot Pro Javascript.
Is there any way to set the below properties in onBeforeCellRender(args)?
args.cell.start (read-only)
args.cell.end (read-only)

My requirement:
lets say event calendar properties
In 'Resources/Days/Week' view, for a particular resource/day, i would like to have the 30min cells from 14pm to 18pm and 15 mins cells from 7am to 14pm?

Kindly help me to achieve this?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

Unfortunately the cell duration must be fixed for the whole day in the Calendar.

In the Scheduler you can create a custom timeline that will be non-linear:

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