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Calendar appointments with UTC start/end

Asked by Rasmus W.
10 years ago.

I am trying out DayPlanner MVC on Azure Websites. They run in UTC.
When the DayPilot javascript calls the Backend controller method, the start and end times of events are in the correct time in UTC.

I thought that the javascript would the convert to local time and display the events correctly according to the site visitor's local time. Isn't it supposed to be like that?
I'm using Week view.

Unfortunately, the events are shown in UTC time which is off from my timezone.
I have tried adding timezone offset to the timestamp in the returned JSON, but the javascript only understands YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss formats without timezone info (it throws an exception if the format is different).

How can I solve this?

Thank you.

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