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Display Scheduler for specified Start and End date

Asked by JoeDiri
8 years ago.


Is it possible to update the scheduler for a specified date range (after selecting the start and the end from two input fileds in the form ).
I already use with startDate and nbday but i want to know if it is possible with startDate and endDate properties ?


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

At this moment the scheduler only works with .startDate and .days properties.

You can use DayPilot.DateUtil.daysDiff(first, second) helper method to calculate the .days property:

var days = DayPilot.DateUtil.daysDiff("2015-10-01", "2015-10-03");

It accepts DayPilot.Date objects and strings in ISO 8601 format ("2015-10-03", "2015-10-03T14:00:00".

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