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Appoinments are not syncing in daypilot scheduler

Asked by BKO
9 years ago.

In my MVC application I have added two daypilot schedulers in two different views and each of them are accessing the same DB. In one scheduler user can take appointments based on dates. In the other, user can take appointments based on month. The problem is, if a user takes an appointment from day based scheduler, then it will not display in month based scheduler. They are using same table, but even after reloading also it is not syncing. How to solve this?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

If you load the data from the same source and update the source correctly both instances should display the same data.

If you want to force an update from the client side you can use dp.commandCallBack() to invoke server-side OnCommand event.

See an example here:

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