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RecurrenceRule: Does it store the start and end dates of the event?

Asked by mrplatypus
8 years ago.

Hi Dan and Team,

I hope you can help by answering this: Does the RecurrenceRule store the start date and time for all events?

I have created a series of recurring events ...
I have decoded the recurring event recurrence encoded from a string stored in the database for the recurring event.

In comparing the one from the database to the one passed into the recurrenteventedit web form the one from the database does not appear to have stored the Start Date nor End Date?

Please advise.


MrPlatypus aka Dave.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

No, it doesn't. The start date can be used when creating a new RecurrenceRule instance to read certain values for the rule - e.g. day of week in case of weekly recurrence, day of month in case of monthly recurrence...

But it is not stored in the serialized rule string.

Anyway, you should be able to read the start and end date from the master record.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

You can debug the recurrence rule by printing the ToJson() value - it returns a readable string with all values that are stored in the recurrence string.

Comment posted by mrplatypus
8 years ago.

Dan and Team,

I could reference the master record - however, if the master record start date and end date had been modified, specifically for that single occurrence, I could not.

Thanks for the information though, just means that the initial start date and end date will have to be recorded in the database for recurring events - I guess that that was the reason for storing the occurrence start date (and now end date too).

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