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Days scheduled in a calendar

12 years ago.


I am new to DayPilot Pro. We have a licensed version of DayPilot which we are currently using in our project.
We have configured it to create recurring events and store it in an encoded format in the database. In order to display the recurring event we pull the data from the DB and pass it to the frontend where daypilot takes care of parsing them.

However I have a request to pull all the events dates and display it as a list in a report. For example,

Date 1
Date 2...

Right now we passing the encoded data to the ASP page and daypilot takes care of displaying them in the front end. My question is, how do I get the list of dates from the database that has recurring dates, parse it in the C# code and use it in my report without passing it to the frontend.

Please help.

I am hope

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