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DayPilotMonth client refresh

Asked by Todd
17 years ago.
I'm having trouble changing dates in the DayPilotMonth control. I've tried changing it via server side but it didn't seem to work. I changed the StartDate to a new date and it seems to bounce around.... I changed it to the previous month and it jumped 2 months back. Then it wouldn't go back further than January???

I tried using the refreshCallback() call as in the Calendar control, but it doesn't seem to exist for the DPM control. I would rather use the AJAX style call, but will use normal .Net callbacks if need be.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
Todd, .refreshCallBack() is not yet available in the month view (DayPilotMonth). I'm working on it right now - it will appear in the next release.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
I'm going to test the server-side scenario - there might be a bug.
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