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Ctrl+Shift Keys

Asked by Mike Weber
7 years ago.


we are using the Multi Selection and Context Menus.

We have integrated the features, anything fine.

Except: OSX.

We have the problem, that we use Ctrl + Drag to copy multiple events. We have used Shift + Drag before, but we had to change to Ctrl because we use the Multi Selection.

So under OSX the the Context Menu appears while using the features above an using Ctrl + Drag. We know this is a OSX problem.

So we try to hide the menu or use another key.

Are there any ideas? Can you provide a call for hiding the menu? Or how to grap the Alt Key?


Comment posted by Mike Weber
7 years ago.

Or is the way to modify the Multu Selection: e.G. Use Control or Alt instead of shift.

Answer posted by Mike Weber
7 years ago.

Workaround done. Problem fixed.

Handling the onEventRightClick Event.

if (args.originalEvent.ctrlKey==true) {

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