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Move events dynamically joint

Asked by Romain
7 years ago.


I'm using Daypilot Scheduler Javascript, and I'm wondering if the joint events feature could help me.
What I'm trying the achieve is to move an event on the time axis using drag and drop, but at the same time move all future events of the the same resource, so that the entire timeline "shifts" starting with my original event.
I like the way joint events move all together, and would like to have the same kind of visual.

But the joint events feature is set up inside the event models, and I don't see how I can customize this. I tried to intercept the onEventMoving, to alter the args.multimove array, removing the past events, but it had no effect.

I don't know if there is a way to customize the way joint events are gathered, or to dynamically add events in the multi move from the OnEventMoving event handler.

Does anyone has some insights about this?

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