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Event Links show bubbleHTML on hoverOver on arrow part

Asked by Nikola Kalkovaliev
4 years ago.


We're having issue with showing bubble on arrow part on Event Links. We want to show bubble when we hover over the arrow part of "Event Links", not just the events linked. (Which we did and is pretty straightforward).
Can you point us to some directions on how can we do this?

Thanks a lot,

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

Unfortunately, the bubble for event links is not implemented at the moment.

Answer posted by Nikola Kalkovaliev
4 years ago.

Thanks Dan,

Can we somehow do a hover over on arrow links? Is it possible in the first place and are there some things we can try to do from your point of view and experience?

Thanks a lot once again.

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