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Event Calendar hide weekends

Asked by IƱigo Gorosabel
7 years ago.


I'm trying the Event Calendar and I can't get to configure the bussiness days. I've managed to change the bussiness hours, but I can't change the days my bussiness is open.

On the documentation ( DayPilot.Calendar Properties ) there is a "days" option, but it doesn't have documentation on how it works, or even if that's the property I need :P

I'd like to configure it dinamycally, my business has many stores and some of them open on saturdays and some don't. I have a selector to choose store and I load that stores events, but it should also change the week days as needed.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

If you'd like to display a custom number of consecutive days you can use "Days" view as described here:

It's also possible to display any combination of days if you switch to "Resources" view and configure the columns manually using "columns" property (just skip the "id" property of columns array items):

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