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How to set Cells/Columns in View vs. Scroll

Asked by Salman Khalid
7 years ago.


We are trying to identify if it is possible to configure the DayPilotPro control to display a specific number of columns in view and scroll separately.

For instance, we may have the scenario where we are loading data for 14 days but want to show 7 days to the user and allow them to scroll to view the remaining 7 days.

We've tried configuring the end/start dates with other configurations without success. We can get the scrollbar and all items loaded, however we cannot control and set only 7 days to appear at a time in view.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

By default the Scheduler width is set to 100% - that means it will change for different browser window widths.

The auto cell width mode ( calculates the cell width automatically to fill the width. However, it doesn't support calculation for custom number of days.

To display exactly 7 days, you'll need to calculate the cellWidth manually from the current browser width during page initialization.

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