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Gantt - Error: 'Bubble support is not implmented yet.'

Asked by kevin
6 years ago.

Gantt chart bubble issue. It forces the chart to disappear and errors out. It would be nice to have bubble but can disable if possible. Probably easy but have been playing with this for some time now, need help.

@Html.DayPilotGantt("dps", new DayPilotGanttConfig
BackendUrl = Url.Action("Backend", "dps"),
Theme = "gantt",
Columns =
new TaskColumn{ Title = "The Chart Title", Property = "text"}

Comment posted by kevin
6 years ago.

Solution to the problem. OnBeforeTaskRender had to be included in the controller. Shameful mistake.

Comment posted by kevin
6 years ago.

Okay solution not fixed. I literally paid $1000 bucks for this chart to continuously crash... not cool. Root cause is in the DayPilot.Web.Mvc.dll

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

This is a bug of the latest release (2018.1.5927). It's fixed now in version 2018.1.5936:

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