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Questions Tagged bubble

area bubble

Answered: This is fine. I assume that you have defined the area position and dimensions (left, right, etc.). I have tested your code in the Scheduler and the only problem is that if you also have an event bubb...

How to use angular component in bubble HTML

Answered: Sorry for the delay! There is a tutorial that shows how to insert an Angular component to the bubble. Angular Scheduler: Dynamic Tooltip It is necessary to instantiate the component and add it to the...


Answered: It is only available as a package. You can find the pricing details at the Buy page ( If you have any questions regarding licensing or if you need a PDF quote, p...

Scheduler - How to add active areas to cells

Answered: 1. You can make space for the active areas at the bottom using the "rowMarginBottom" property : 2. If you use the full crosshair mode the ...

Show event bubble in Queue?

Answered: Event bubbles are now supported in the Queue component in the latest sandbox build (2022.4.5467): You can use the standard API:

Scheduler - How to show bubble for active area

Answered: This seems to be fine and a static version of your sample works well in my tests: = [ { id: DayPilot.guid(), text: '', resource: "frozen1", s...

Applying CSS styles to dynamic "bubble" popovers

Answered: The "month_default_event_hover" class specifies appearance of calendar events when you move a mouse over it. To control the callout width, you can use "bubble_default_main" class (for the default the...

Scheduler - How to show tooltip on hover over active area

Answered: This syntax is correct and it seems to work fine. However, the screenshot doesn't correspond to the sample code - "left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0" will fill the whole cell. So you might want to...

How to set a custom class on Bubble in Angular project?

Answered: You can set a custom CSS class using the config: const bubble = new DayPilot.Bubble({ theme: "mybubble", // ... }); All CSS classes used in the bubble will be prefixed with "mybubble_" ins...

Scheduler Bubble not showing after event add

Answered: If you add the event on the client side using events.add() the server-side BeforeEventRender won't be fired. That might be required for the bubble HTML to be set. You need to add the event using a ca...

Hide bubble on outside click of calendar (Angular 6)

I'm showing bubble on click of event and I set hideAfter property to '0'. It works pretty well, but the bubble popover do not hide if I click outside of daypilot calendar. Any help is appreciated.

Can anybody explain me how to show bubble in daypilot calendar Angular 6+

Answered: Please see the answer here:

Event Links show bubbleHTML on hoverOver on arrow part

Answered: Unfortunately, the bubble for event links is not implemented at the moment.

Remove Delayed Bubble Display

Hi, Question 1. I applied the bubble display on event hover. But the problem is the bubble displays after some time display. Can we make it instantly as soon as mouse hover over the event? Question 2...

Bubble per event phase?

Bubble is a really nice upgraded tooltip since it allows custom html content. I have seen that bubble is tied to event and tooltip is tied to phases. My events have many phases and every phase has di...

Gantt - Error: 'Bubble support is not implmented yet.'

Answered: This is a bug of the latest release (2018.1.5927). It's fixed now in version 2018.1.5936:

How to use showAfter bubble property

Hi, I'm using daypilot for web forms. How can I use showAfter property in DayPilot.Bubble. I set 2000 (ms) to test but when I hover on cell, its does not wait 2 seconds. I need configure something mo...

Bubble configuration with Angular 2+

Answered: The bubble can be configured using a DayPilot.Bubble object which you assign to "bubble" property of the config. Example: config: any = { bubble: new DayPilot.Bubble({ animation: "fas...

Tooltip not showing

Answered: The tooltip is automatically turned off if you turn on a bubble. In the latest DayPilot Pro version, the bubble is now automatically turned on (a new DayPilot.Bubble() object is assigned to "bubble" ...

Obtain args.div in Scheduler's onEventDoubleClicked() event handler

(v.8.2 SP10) I am currently calling the Bubble's showHtml() method upon event double-click in the Scheduler. Is there a way to obtain the args.div like it is in onEventClicked()? It doesn't appear to...

Bubble not opening in newest Firefox versions (v44)

Hello, in the newest Firefox releases the event bubble of DP can`t be displayed anymore. In older FF versions it worked well, also in all other major browsers it`s working without any problems. I`ve ...

Show Bubble or Tooltips on empty cell

Answered: This is not supported at the moment but it's a good idea for one of the future releases.

DayPilot Bubble and iOS

Answered: Hi Jim: iOS is supported but the available gestures are limited. That's why it doesn't support all the interaction options that are possible on the desktop. On events, it supports two actions: tap (t...

DayPilot Bubble Feature

Answered: You need to follow these steps: 1. Create the bubble: <DayPilot:DayPilotBubble ID="DayPilotBubble1" runat="server" CssOnly="true" CssClassPrefix="bubble_default" /> 2. Assign it to the mo...
Questions 1-24 of 24