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Create Event half way through the day

Asked by Vassilis
6 years ago.

Hi, we are using DayPilot Scheduler for form and have the following question:

When creating a new event, by dragging the mouse and handling the dp.onTimeRangeSelected event, assuming that cell represent a day, is it possible to stop half the way and get time information as well?

At the moment it seems that only selection of whole cell. Is it possible to get divisions of cell with time information?

Thank you.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

At this moment the time range selection only works for whole steps (the snap-to-grid option doesn't apply here -

However, you can use smaller cells ( Note that the headers don't need to match the cells - i.e. you can have half-day cells with full-day headers.

Answer posted by Vassilis
6 years ago.

thank you. that did the trick...

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