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bootstrap with modal daypilot Angular

Asked by azedine
5 years ago.

the modal does not work with bootstrap.
I am obliged to deactivate Boostrap.
do you have a solution please
thank you

my version : Bootstrap 4.3, Angular version : 8
daypilot version : 2019.3.3913

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

Can you please specify what exactly the problem is (it doesn't show up, the view is corrupted)?

Also, are you using DayPilot.Modal ( or DayPilotModalComponent (Angular only modal included in daypilot-pro-angular npm package)?

Comment posted by azedine
5 years ago.

when I select the areas the modal is not displayed, a gray filter on the screen but without the modal.
I use DayPilotModalComponent.

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