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DayPilot Gantt - Export Client-Side

Asked by Andrea
6 years ago.

Hi DayPilot team, is there any possibility of having an export function for the Gantt component client-side?
I find quite strage that this tool cannot print the gantt to show to the customers the job plan using the client, or at least a function that can give the possibility to have a picture of the full gantt to insert in a PDF document.

Is this feature avaiable? Or it will be in short time? I saw that other components, like the scheduler, already have the possibility to use jsPDF, why this is not possibile in the gantt?

Thank you,

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

Hi Andrea,

Gantt client-side export is in the works - it will be available in the near future.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

The Gantt chart client-side image export is now available (in version 2018.4.3510):

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