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Split event into multiple event-parts because of business hours

Asked by Wolfgang
6 years ago.


first of all: Great work, daypilot really provides a lot of functionality that makes it easy to integrate.

However, I´m currently working on the following Question:
How can 1 event be split into multiple events regarding the defined business hours per day? I´ve got events occupying a ressource for more than one day (different event duration per event).
Is there any built-in functionality that provides the possibility of having the event shown as "event-parts" on successive business-Hours?

Thanks a lot in advance and kind regards,

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

Hi Wolfwgang,

Sorry for the delay.

This scenario is not supported at the moment. However, you can do it the other way around - instead of hiding parts of the event you can hide the non-business parts of the timeline. See also:

When this mode is enabled, you can also set the Scheduler to ignore the hidden parts when moving the event:

Comment posted by Wolfgang
6 years ago.

Hi Dan,

thx a lot for your reply!
I´ve discovered this feature a few minutes after I posted this Question... :)

2 questions concerning this:

  • When I drag&drop an event from an external list into the scheduler, it does not recalculate the correct end time (taking the non-business times into account). This is only done when I´m moving the event on the ressource row. Any Workaround or bug-fix to this?
  • Is there any possibility of having the event duration calculated regarding the non-business hours? I have to calculate some figures which basically rely on the event duration. If there are non-business hours during the event, this would totally mess up the calculation. So I need some kind of possibility of subtracting the non-business hours from the "gross" event duration.

Once again, thx a lot in Advance!

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