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Scheduler: Show Business hours per Ressource

Asked by stromflut
12 years ago.

It's possible to show the business hours in a different color on the scheduler diagram. But it's just configurable per calendar. We'd like to configure the business hours/different colors per row/resource. Let's say resource 1 is available from 10 to 12 am, the background color should be different from the other hours.
Is this possible in any way?


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

You can change the cell background using OnBeforeCellRender method:

protected override void  OnBeforeCellRender(BeforeCellRenderArgs e)
  if (e.Start.Hour > 5 && e.ResourceId == "5") {
    e.BackgroundColor = "#ffffff";


protected override void  OnBeforeCellRender(BeforeCellRenderArgs e)
  if (e.Start.Hour > 5 && e.ResourceId == "5") {
    e.CssClass = "customclass";
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