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Daily Business Hours on Calendar

Asked by Larry Hibbs
15 years ago.

I have a Navigator component changing a single day calendar component showing events for the day. I can change the BusinessHoursStart and End and use the DayPilotCalendar_BeforeCellRender event to set the isBusiness flag and hide the non-business hours. The problems occurs when I want to change to a day with different business hours (shorter), I receive an Jscript error when the control is rendered. If I ignore the error in debug, the control paints, but shows the first set of business hours.

Is there a way to refresh the control's properties?

By the way, nice job on this product!

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

Can you please post the JavaScript error details, please?

A quick workaround would be to use an UpdatePanel to refresh the Calendar control in full but it would be a bit slower.

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