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infinity horizontal scroll

Asked by Ruud
3 years ago.


I'm using the scheduler component and i would like to create a horizontal infinity scroll.
I initialise the scheduler with the first of January and set the days to the amount of days in the year. I set the cell width to create a viewport of, for example, three months. Now i can scroll to the end of the year.
But i would like to be able to scroll to the next year.
Now i saw the onscroll event. But the api notes says update or other methods that refresh the Scheduler.

I would like to know how i could add days to the scheduler when the horizontal scrolling reaches the end of the configured Scheduler days.

Kind regards,

Comment posted by Ruud
3 years ago.

forgot some info:
But the api notes says : Do not call update() method or other methods that refresh the Scheduler [like rows.filter()]

Answer posted by Ruud
3 years ago.

It seems i was to early with my post. i came across this documentation.
Going to try this out first.

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