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ResizeStart / ResizeEnd not working on touch devices

Asked by Rudi Mariman
2 years ago.

I have looked at the demo code for the active areas in the Calendar (and added ResizeStart) - that works fine.
But on the Scheduler control it gives a javascript error - it seems to me that it is not implemented (yet).

used: e.Areas.Add(new Area().Width(5).Bottom(5).Right(2).Top(15)..CssClass("...").ResizeEnd())
this gives error on e.calendar.coords=$1B.relativeCoords(ev) as undefined

Can you let me know if this will be implemented or what I'm doing wrong.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

This is a regression bug which should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2021.4.3805):

Thanks for reporting the issue!

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