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Separator not accepting more than 2 arguments

Asked by Vivek
12 years ago.

Hi Dan,

I tried to use the Separator option explained in Daypilot scheduler While coding for custom separation, it is taking only the day and color property.

But, i need opacity property too. When i code for opacity, it gives an error as "Daypilot Scheduler1 wont carry 5 arguments". Plz do revert me back in this issue as this is very important for me.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
12 years ago.

Please check for possible typos, the method is there and this example should work fine:

// Red separator with 50% opacity placed at the current day with width equal to CellWidth, shown above events
DayPilotScheduler1.Separators.Add(DateTime.Today, Color.Red, SeparatorLayer.AboveEvents, DayPilotScheduler1.CellWidth, 50);

You can also create the separator instance manually and then add it to the collection:

Separator s = new Separator();
s.Location = DateTime.Now;
s.Color = Color.Red;
s.Layer = SeparatorLayer.AboveEvents;
s.Opacity = 50;
s.Width = 20;

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