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Scheduler Gantt View Multiple Dates per Row

Asked by RB
11 years ago.

Since working with Daypilot, I've found many ways to achieve what I want. I think the layout for the Gantt Chart is great for what I want with the only drawback being one date or event per row.

I'm in a situation where one event or task can have multiple start and end dates. Rather than having a row for each instance of those dates, I need them all displayed on the same row.

I've been exhausting myself reading the forums but couldn't find a definite answer. The closest I found was this question below but the answer seemed vague. Any help would be appreciated!

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

What you describe is basically the default "Resources" mode:

You need separate database tables for "Tasks" and "Actions".

Task = has a name, displayed in a row
Action = specifies a piece of work done on a Task, has a start and end date

In this case, load Tasks as resources and Actions as events (use the task id as resource id) and you are done.

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