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How to group calendar component time axis to different slots?

Asked by Ranjith K R
7 months ago.

How can I group time axis to different slots. For example consider12 AM to 4AM as slot 1. Then I need collapse and expand slot1 to a small single row. if multiple events in that slot show it as multiple dots. When we expand the slot show it as normal. The primary target of this requirement is to show all events in a day in one frame, means show all without any vertical scroll.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 months ago.

This scenario could be implemented with the following limitations:

  • The maximum cell duration supported at this moment is 1 hour (this is the max slot duration).

  • When switching to the “compact” view you can apply special CSS class to events that would override the default styling and make them appear as dots.

You can also take a look at the Scheduler component (demo) which is more flexible in handling many overlapping events (e.g. it can group overlapping events automatically).

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