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DayPilot Vue Event Calendar loses css after build

Asked by Anonymous
11 months ago.

Hello, i’m trying dailypilot Vue Event Calendar, locally it works as fine, i can see the events and set different styles(event background), but when i build and upload i see the events grey, without colored background. any suggestions? is it a limitation of free version?


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 months ago.

This is not a limitation of the trial version.

I recommend checking the DOM structure of the production build in the browser (using developer tools) to see whether the elements are using the expected styles and classes, whether whether your CSS definitions are available, etc.

Comment posted by Anonymous
11 months ago.

ok, thank you for your answer, following the guide at the page and i solved by set the event backcolor property, and now it seems to load the background color before i update the calendar.

thank you

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