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During one event, I have three areas with four dates in total. Is there a way to move each date to resize the event independently?

Asked by peuportier Aurelien
9 months ago.

Hi everyone,

There are three areas in my event. A single event has 4 dates. The starting date, hla_start, hla_end, and end date are all included.

I can change the start or end date of the event. It is not possible for me to resize the event inside for hla_start and hla_end by dragging the cursor. It's impossible for me to trigger the cursor to resize the action.

Can you provide me with direction in this situation?

This his my code

1 - on before render :

onBeforeEventRender: function(args) {
    var html =; = ""; = true; = false;

    var hlaStart = new DayPilot.Date(;
    var hlaEnd = new DayPilot.Date(;

    // Use the loading color, or a default color if not set
    var loadingColor = || "#a61c00"; = "transparent"; = "transparent";

    // Set the action property in data = "ResizeStart"; = [
            end: hlaStart, // Changed from
            top: 15,
            bottom: 15,
            backColor: "black", // Black line design
            html: "<div style='height: 2px; background-color: black; width: 100%;'></div>",
            action: "ResizeStart", // Set the action to "ResizeStart"
            start: hlaEnd,
            top: 15,
            bottom: 15,
            backColor: "black", // Black line design
            html: "<div style='height: 2px; background-color: black; width: 100%;'></div>",
            action: "ResizeEnd",
            start: hlaStart,
            end: hlaEnd,
            top: 0,
            bottom: 0,
            backColor: loadingColor,
            style: "color: black; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;",
            html: html ||,
            start: hlaStart,
            width: 10,
            top: 0,
            bottom: 0,
            html: "<div class='hla-start-marker'>|||</div>",
            style: "color: #000; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; padding-left: 12px; transition: color 0.3s;",
            action: "ResizeHlaStart",
            className: "hla-start-marker-area", // Add a class for identification
            end: hlaEnd,
            width: 10,
            top: 0,
            bottom: 0,
            html: "<div class='hla-start-marker'>|||</div>",
            style: "color: #000; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; padding-right: 12px; transition: color 0.3s;",
            action: "ResizeHlaStart",
            className: "hla-start-marker-area", // Add a class for identification
    ]; =; =; = hlaStart; = hlaEnd;

2 - on Event Resize

// resize the time on the event
onEventResize: function(args) {
    console.log('Resize Args:', args);
    const resizedEvent = args.e;

    // Check if new start and end are defined
    if (args.newStart === undefined || args.newEnd === undefined) {
        console.warn('Resize action is undefined');

    // Check if hla_start is smaller than start
    if (args.action === 'ResizeHlaStart' && args.newStart < resizedEvent.start()) {
        console.warn('Cannot resize Hla Start smaller than the event start');
        // Display a message or handle the case as needed

    if (args.newStart !== resizedEvent.start()) {
        // ResizeStart action
        handleResizeStart(resizedEvent, args);
    } else if (args.newEnd !== resizedEvent.end()) {
        // ResizeEnd action
        handleResizeEnd(resizedEvent, args);
    } else if (args.action === 'ResizeHlaStart') {
        // ResizeHlaStart action
        handleResizeHlaStart(resizedEvent, args);
    } else {
        // Unknown resize action
        console.warn('Unknown resize action');
Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 months ago.

There are two issues:

1. The action property can only have one of the predefined values (see the API docs). A drag handle that triggers resizing must use either "ResizeStart" or "ResizeEnd".

2. The args object in onEventResize doesn’t support the args.action property.

To pass data from the drag handle created using an active area, you need to add a custom data property (object, string or any other value) to the area.


    start: hlaStart,
    width: 10,
    top: 0,
    bottom: 0,
    html: "<div class='hla-start-marker'>|||</div>",
    style: "color: #000; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; padding-left: 12px; transition: color 0.3s;",
    action: "ResizeStart",
    data: "ResizeHlaStart",
    className: "hla-start-marker-area", // Add a class for identification

You can read this value using args.areaData in onEventResize, onEventResized, and onEventResizing.

The args.areaData object is only available in version 2023.4.5811 or higher (the latest version is available in the sandbox).

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