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Floating event feature is not working

Asked by Anonymous
1 year ago.


The floating event feature seems no to work in my case. I don't see the arrows on the events. I set the property floatingEvents to true, although this is the default value anyway. I also checked the start and end dates and they are outside the current date range (viewport).

This is my scheduler configuration:

 schedulerConfig: any = {
    rowHeaderColumns: [
      { text: '', display: "name" },
      { text: '' }

    durationBarVisible: false,
    durationBarMode: "PercentComplete",
    heightSpec: 'Parent100Pct',
    hideBorderFor100PctHeight: true,
    locale: this.localeService.localeId,
    cellWidthSpec: 'Auto',
    crosshairType: 'Full',
    timeHeaders: [
      { 'groupBy': "Month", 'format': "MMMM yyyy" },
      { 'groupBy': 'Week' },
      { 'groupBy': 'Day', 'format': 'd' }
    scale: 'CellDuration',
    cellDuration: 720,
    //eventEndSpec: 'Date',
    showNonBusiness: true,
    businessWeekends: false,
    floatingEvents: true,
    eventHeight: 20,
    headerHeight: 20,
    rowMinHeight: 20,
    eventStackingLineHeight: 100,
    rowMarginBottom: 7,
    eventMovingStartEndEnabled: true,
    eventResizingStartEndEnabled: true,
    timeRangeSelectingStartEndEnabled: true,
    groupConcurrentEvents: false,
    allowEventOverlap: true,
    allowMultiRange: false,
    multiSelectRectangle: 'Free',
    rowHeaderHideIconEnabled: false,
    multiMoveVerticalMode: 'All',
    allowMultiMove: false,
    treeEnabled: false,

    contextMenuResource: new DayPilot.Menu({
      items: [
        { text: this.dialogTextService.getTranslation('TitJumpToTimesheet'), onClick: (args) => { this.navigateToTimeSheet(; }, hidden: false },
      onShow: (args) => {
        const personResource = as PersonResource;[0].hidden = !this.isActiveAndSubordinatedPerson(personResource);

        if ( => i.hidden)) {
          // Cancels the menu activation

     * Events handling settings
    timeRangeSelectedHandling: 'Hold',
    eventMoveHandling: 'Update',
    eventResizeHandling: 'Update',
    eventDeleteHandling: 'Disabled',
    eventClickHandling: 'Select',
    eventHoverHandling: 'Bubble',

    timeRangeRightClickHandling: "ContextMenu",

     * Events handler

    onAfterRender: (args) => {

    onBeforeTimeHeaderRender: (args) => {
      if (args.header.level === 1) {
        args.header.html = `${this.dialogTextService.getTranslation('TitWeek')} ${args.header.start.weekNumberISO().padStart(2, '0')}`;

      let start = new Date(args.header.start.value);
      if (args.header.level === 2 && start.isSame( {
        args.header.areas = [
          { start: args.header.start, end: args.header.end, bottom: 0, height: 2, backColor: 'blue' }

    onBeforeRowHeaderRender: (args) => {
      const personResource = as PersonResource;

      // Status icons
      args.row.columns[1].areas = [];

      const leftOffset = 20
      let left = 60;
      // Same position for top and bottom
      // see
      const topBottom = 5;

      if (personResource.isIndirectlySubordinatedToolTipText) {
            left: left,
            top: topBottom,
            bottom: topBottom,
            style: "display: flex; align-items: center;",
            width: 16,
            html: '<img src="assets/icons/subordinate.png" height="16" width="16">',
            toolTip: personResource.isIndirectlySubordinatedToolTipText

        left = left - leftOffset;

      if (personResource.personWillEnterToolTipText) {
            left: left,
            top: topBottom,
            bottom: topBottom,
            style: "display: flex; align-items: center;",
            width: 16,
            html: '<img src="assets/icons/Enter.png" height="16" width="16">',
            toolTip: personResource.personWillEnterToolTipText

        left = left - leftOffset;

      if (personResource.personLeftCompanyToolTipText) {
            left: left,
            top: topBottom,
            bottom: topBottom,
            style: "display: flex; align-items: center;",
            width: 16,
            html: '<img src="assets/icons/leave.png" height="16" width="16">',
            toolTip: personResource.personLeftCompanyToolTipText

        left = left - leftOffset;

      if (personResource.calculationStatusToolTipText) {
            left: left,
            top: topBottom,
            bottom: topBottom,
            style: "display: flex; align-items: center;",
            width: 16,
            html: '<img src="assets/icons/Error.png" height="16" width="16">',
            toolTip: personResource.calculationStatusToolTipText

        left = left - leftOffset;

      if (personResource.ignoreWorkProfileChangesToolTipText) {
            left: left,
            top: topBottom,
            bottom: topBottom,
            style: "display: flex; align-items: center;",
            width: 16,
            html: '<img src="assets/icons/favorites.png" height="16" width="16">',
            toolTip: personResource.ignoreWorkProfileChangesToolTipText

        left = left - leftOffset;

    onBeforeCellRender: (args) => {

    onBeforeEventRender: (args) => {
      const items = new Array<DayPilot.MenuItemData>();
      const personId =;
      const from = new Date(;

      if ( == 'Comment') { = 'transparent'; = true;

        if (! && from.isAfter(this.clientConfigurationService.blockedDate.toDate()) &&
          this.hasCommentCorrection(personId)) {
 = new DayPilot.Menu({
            items: [
                text: this.dialogTextService.getTranslation('TitEditComment'),
                onClick: (args) => { this.editComment(args); }
                text: this.dialogTextService.getTranslation('TitDeleteComment'),
                onClick: (args) => { this.deleteComment(args); }


      if ( == 'Absence') {
        let dayIsLocked = from.isSameOrBefore(this.clientConfigurationService.blockedDate.toDate());

        const dailyAbsence = as DailyAbsenceEntry;
        const personResource = this.personResources.find(p => ==;

        // background color
        if (dailyAbsence.requestId != 0) {
 = `#${}7F`;
 = [
            { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, style: "background-image: linear-gradient(135deg, #808080de 10%, transparent 10%, transparent 50%, #808080de 50%, #808080de 60%, transparent 60%, transparent); background-size: 10px 10px;" }
        else {
 = dayIsLocked ? `#${}7F` : `#${}`;

        if (!dayIsLocked) {
          // Jump to time sheet
          if (this.isActiveAndSubordinatedPerson(personResource)) {
              text: this.dialogTextService.getTranslation('TitJumpToTimesheet'),
              onClick: (args) => { this.navigateToTimeSheet(; }

      if (items.any()) { = new DayPilot.Menu({
          items: items

    onTimeRangeRightClick: (args) => {
      const from = new Date(args.start.value);
      if (from.isSameOrBefore(this.clientConfigurationService.blockedDate.toDate())) {

    onTimeRangeSelecting: (args) => {
      let person = this.personService.getById(args.resource);
      let day = new Date(args.anchor.value);

      if ((this.currentPerson && this.currentPerson.personId != person.personId) || !day.isSame(this.selectedDay)) {
        this.currentPerson = person;
        this.selectedDay = day;

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

I recommend using the browser devtools to check the DOM structure. If an event is partially hidden (outside of the current viewport), the Scheduler adds a special <div> element with "scheduler_default_event_float_inner" CSS class that is displayed on top of the event. The arrow is defined using ::after pseudoclass in the default CSS theme.

This way you can see if the floating <div> is present and how it is displayed. It may be hidden by some other element or the CSS may be overrridden.

Please note that the floating <div> is not applied when the event starts before startDate and the scrollbar is at position 0 (horizontally). In this case, the event will be marked with "scheduler_default_event_continueleft" CSS class.

See also:

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

Also, it's important to remember that active areas with position defined using left/right (unlike start/end) are floating as well. For some event types, you have defined an active area covering the whole event (left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0) which will be displayed on top of the floating <div>.

Since version 2022.4.5448, you can also make an active area non-floating by adding "nonFloating: true" to its properties:

Comment posted by Anonymous
1 year ago.

If I understand you correctly, the floating event feature works only in combination with the horizontal scrollbar?

In my case I don't have the horizontal scrollbar, because I'm setting the cellWidthSpec property to "Auto".

So, I want always to show the arrows (left und right) to indicate that an event starts before the startDate or/and ends after the endDate of the viewport. It shouldn't matter whether the the scrollbar is at position 0 or it's not used at all (as in my case)

Is there a way to do this?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

> If I understand you correctly, the floating event feature works only in combination with the horizontal scrollbar?


If you show the full timeline using cellWidthSpec: "Auto" the floating events feature never get activated.

As I mentioned, events that start before visibleStart() and/or end after visibleEnd() will be marked by special CSS classes ("scheduler_default_event_continueleft" and "scheduler_default_event_continueright").

You can use these classes to define the arrows but it might be easier to use active areas - something like this:

dp.onBeforeEventRender = args => { = [];
    if (new DayPilot.Date( < dp.visibleStart()) {{
            left: 0,
            top: 15,
            width: 0,
            height: 0,
            style: "border-color: transparent red transparent transparent;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;"
    if (new DayPilot.Date( > dp.visibleEnd()) {{
            right: 0,
            top: 15,
            width: 0,
            height: 0,
            style: "border-color: transparent transparent transparent red;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;"
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