The floating event feature seems no to work in my case. I don't see the arrows on the events. I set the property floatingEvents to true, although this is the default value anyway. I also checked the start and end dates and they are outside the current date range (viewport).
This is my scheduler configuration:
schedulerConfig: any = {
rowHeaderColumns: [
{ text: '', display: "name" },
{ text: '' }
durationBarVisible: false,
durationBarMode: "PercentComplete",
heightSpec: 'Parent100Pct',
hideBorderFor100PctHeight: true,
locale: this.localeService.localeId,
cellWidthSpec: 'Auto',
crosshairType: 'Full',
timeHeaders: [
{ 'groupBy': "Month", 'format': "MMMM yyyy" },
{ 'groupBy': 'Week' },
{ 'groupBy': 'Day', 'format': 'd' }
scale: 'CellDuration',
cellDuration: 720,
// https://forums.daypilot.org/question/5571/how-to-change-the-displayed-end-date-of-selected-range
//eventEndSpec: 'Date',
showNonBusiness: true,
businessWeekends: false,
floatingEvents: true,
eventHeight: 20,
headerHeight: 20,
rowMinHeight: 20,
eventStackingLineHeight: 100,
rowMarginBottom: 7,
eventMovingStartEndEnabled: true,
eventResizingStartEndEnabled: true,
timeRangeSelectingStartEndEnabled: true,
groupConcurrentEvents: false,
allowEventOverlap: true,
allowMultiRange: false,
multiSelectRectangle: 'Free',
rowHeaderHideIconEnabled: false,
multiMoveVerticalMode: 'All',
allowMultiMove: false,
treeEnabled: false,
contextMenuResource: new DayPilot.Menu({
items: [
{ text: this.dialogTextService.getTranslation('TitJumpToTimesheet'), onClick: (args) => { this.navigateToTimeSheet(args.source.data.id); }, hidden: false },
onShow: (args) => {
const personResource = args.source.data as PersonResource;
args.menu.items[0].hidden = !this.isActiveAndSubordinatedPerson(personResource);
if (args.menu.items.all(i => i.hidden)) {
// Cancels the menu activation
* Events handling settings
timeRangeSelectedHandling: 'Hold',
eventMoveHandling: 'Update',
eventResizeHandling: 'Update',
eventDeleteHandling: 'Disabled',
eventClickHandling: 'Select',
eventHoverHandling: 'Bubble',
timeRangeRightClickHandling: "ContextMenu",
* Events handler
onAfterRender: (args) => {
onBeforeTimeHeaderRender: (args) => {
if (args.header.level === 1) {
args.header.html = `${this.dialogTextService.getTranslation('TitWeek')} ${args.header.start.weekNumberISO().padStart(2, '0')}`;
let start = new Date(args.header.start.value);
if (args.header.level === 2 && start.isSame(Date.today())) {
args.header.areas = [
{ start: args.header.start, end: args.header.end, bottom: 0, height: 2, backColor: 'blue' }
onBeforeRowHeaderRender: (args) => {
const personResource = args.row.data as PersonResource;
// Status icons
args.row.columns[1].areas = [];
const leftOffset = 20
let left = 60;
// Same position for top and bottom
// see https://forums.daypilot.org/question/5577/how-to-center-vertically-active-areas
const topBottom = 5;
if (personResource.isIndirectlySubordinatedToolTipText) {
left: left,
top: topBottom,
bottom: topBottom,
style: "display: flex; align-items: center;",
width: 16,
html: '<img src="assets/icons/subordinate.png" height="16" width="16">',
toolTip: personResource.isIndirectlySubordinatedToolTipText
left = left - leftOffset;
if (personResource.personWillEnterToolTipText) {
left: left,
top: topBottom,
bottom: topBottom,
style: "display: flex; align-items: center;",
width: 16,
html: '<img src="assets/icons/Enter.png" height="16" width="16">',
toolTip: personResource.personWillEnterToolTipText
left = left - leftOffset;
if (personResource.personLeftCompanyToolTipText) {
left: left,
top: topBottom,
bottom: topBottom,
style: "display: flex; align-items: center;",
width: 16,
html: '<img src="assets/icons/leave.png" height="16" width="16">',
toolTip: personResource.personLeftCompanyToolTipText
left = left - leftOffset;
if (personResource.calculationStatusToolTipText) {
left: left,
top: topBottom,
bottom: topBottom,
style: "display: flex; align-items: center;",
width: 16,
html: '<img src="assets/icons/Error.png" height="16" width="16">',
toolTip: personResource.calculationStatusToolTipText
left = left - leftOffset;
if (personResource.ignoreWorkProfileChangesToolTipText) {
left: left,
top: topBottom,
bottom: topBottom,
style: "display: flex; align-items: center;",
width: 16,
html: '<img src="assets/icons/favorites.png" height="16" width="16">',
toolTip: personResource.ignoreWorkProfileChangesToolTipText
left = left - leftOffset;
onBeforeCellRender: (args) => {
onBeforeEventRender: (args) => {
const items = new Array<DayPilot.MenuItemData>();
const personId = args.data.resource;
const from = new Date(args.data.start);
if (args.data.tags.type == 'Comment') {
args.data.borderColor = 'transparent';
args.data.resizeDisabled = true;
if (!args.data.isReadonly && from.isAfter(this.clientConfigurationService.blockedDate.toDate()) &&
this.hasCommentCorrection(personId)) {
args.data.contextMenu = new DayPilot.Menu({
items: [
text: this.dialogTextService.getTranslation('TitEditComment'),
onClick: (args) => { this.editComment(args); }
text: this.dialogTextService.getTranslation('TitDeleteComment'),
onClick: (args) => { this.deleteComment(args); }
if (args.data.tags.type == 'Absence') {
let dayIsLocked = from.isSameOrBefore(this.clientConfigurationService.blockedDate.toDate());
const dailyAbsence = args.data.tags.absenceEntry as DailyAbsenceEntry;
const personResource = this.personResources.find(p => p.id == args.data.resource);
// background color
if (dailyAbsence.requestId != 0) {
args.data.backColor = `#${args.data.tags.timeType.color}7F`;
args.data.areas = [
{ left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, style: "background-image: linear-gradient(135deg, #808080de 10%, transparent 10%, transparent 50%, #808080de 50%, #808080de 60%, transparent 60%, transparent); background-size: 10px 10px;" }
else {
args.data.backColor = dayIsLocked ? `#${args.data.tags.timeType.color}7F` : `#${args.data.tags.timeType.color}`;
if (!dayIsLocked) {
// Jump to time sheet
if (this.isActiveAndSubordinatedPerson(personResource)) {
text: this.dialogTextService.getTranslation('TitJumpToTimesheet'),
onClick: (args) => { this.navigateToTimeSheet(args.source.data.resource); }
if (items.any()) {
args.data.contextMenu = new DayPilot.Menu({
items: items
onTimeRangeRightClick: (args) => {
const from = new Date(args.start.value);
if (from.isSameOrBefore(this.clientConfigurationService.blockedDate.toDate())) {
onTimeRangeSelecting: (args) => {
let person = this.personService.getById(args.resource);
let day = new Date(args.anchor.value);
if ((this.currentPerson && this.currentPerson.personId != person.personId) || !day.isSame(this.selectedDay)) {
this.currentPerson = person;
this.selectedDay = day;