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I Need help to use : args.areaData

Asked by
11 months ago.

Greetings to all,

I find myself in a quandary and would greatly appreciate your assistance. For a particular event, I am dealing with four distinct dates: the start date, hla_start date, hla_end date, and the end date.

When attempting to resize my event, I am able to adjust the start and end dates without issue. However, I am encountering difficulty when trying to trigger the hla_start or hla_end dates.

For your reference, I have included a screenshot and the relevant code. I am hopeful that someone might be able to provide a solution to this predicament. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

onBeforeEventRender: function(args) {
var html =; = ""; = true; = false;

// Assuming hlaStart and hlaEnd are Date objects
const startDate = instanceof Date ? : new Date(;
const endDate = instanceof Date ? : new Date(;
const hlastartDate = instanceof Date ? : new Date(;
const hlaendDate = instanceof Date ? : new Date(;    

const startDay = startDate.toLocaleDateString(undefined, { day: 'numeric' });
const endDay = endDate.toLocaleDateString(undefined, { day: 'numeric' });
const hlaStartDay = hlastartDate.toLocaleDateString(undefined, { day: 'numeric' });
const hlaEndDay = hlaendDate.toLocaleDateString(undefined, { day: 'numeric' });

const pointA =  new DayPilot.Date(;    
const pointD =  new DayPilot.Date(;    
var hlaStart = new DayPilot.Date(;
var hlaEnd = new DayPilot.Date(;

// Calculate differences directly for hlaStartOr and hlaEndOr
const pointADiff = hlaStart.getTime() - pointA.getTime();
const pointDDiff = pointD.getTime() - hlaEnd.getTime();

// Convert differences to days and round to the nearest whole number
const daysInMilliseconds = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
const diffPointA = Math.round(pointADiff / daysInMilliseconds);
const diffPointD = Math.round(pointDDiff / daysInMilliseconds);

//cell size
const cellWidth = 20;    

//deliver x for A et D
const A = diffPointA * cellWidth - 10;
const D = diffPointD * cellWidth;    

var loadingColor = || "#a61c00"; // Use the loading color, or a default color if not set = "transparent"; = "transparent"; = [
end: hlaStart, // Changed from
top: 45,
bottom: 45,
backColor: "black", // Black line design
html: `<div style='height: 2px; background-color: black; width: 100%;'></div><div style='margin-top: 30px; margin-left: ${A}px; text-align: left;'>${hlaStartDay}</div>`,
action: "ResizeStart", // Set the action to "ResizeStart"

start: hlaEnd,
top: 45,
bottom: 45,
backColor: "black", // Black line design
html: `<div style='height: 2px; background-color: black; width: 100%;'></div><div style='margin-top: 30px; margin-right: ${D}px; text-align: right;'>${hlaEndDay}</div>`,
action: "ResizeEnd",

start: hlaStart,
end: hlaEnd,
top: 30,
bottom: 30,
backColor: loadingColor,
style: "color: black; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; border: 1px solid black;", 
html: html ||,


start: hlaStart,
width: 30,
top: 30,
bottom: 30,
html: "<div class='hla-start-marker'>|||</div>",    
style: "color: #000; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; padding-left: 12px; transition: color 0.3s;",
action: "ResizeHlaStart",
data: "ResizeHlaStart",    
className: "hla-start-marker-area",

end: hlaEnd,
width: 30,
top: 30,
bottom: 30,
style: "color: #000; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; padding-right: 12px",
action: "ResizeHlaEnd", // Change this to match the switch statement
className: "hla-end-marker-area", // Add a class for identification


]; =; =; = hlaStart; = hlaEnd;


// for filter per aircraft    
onEventFilter: (args) => {
if (args.e.text().toUpperCase().indexOf(args.filter.toUpperCase()) === -1){
args.visible = false;    

// when click event trigger the action         
onEventClick: (args) => {

// resize the time on the event     
onEventResize: function(args) {
const resizedEvent = args.e;
const test = args.areaData;    

// Check if new start and end are defined
if (args.newStart === undefined || args.newEnd === undefined) {
alert('Resize action is undefined');

// Check if hla_start is smaller than start
if (args.action === 'ResizeHlaStart' && args.newStart < resizedEvent.start()) {
alert('Cannot resize Hla Start smaller than the event start');
// Display a message or handle the case as needed

if (args.newStart !== resizedEvent.start()) {
// ResizeStart action
handleResizeStart(resizedEvent, args);
} else if (args.newEnd !== resizedEvent.end()) {
// ResizeEnd action
handleResizeEnd(resizedEvent, args);
} else if (args.action === 'ResizeHlaStart') {
// ResizeHlaStart action
handleResizeHlaStart(resizedEvent, args);
} else {
// Unknown resize action
alert('Unknown resize action');


onEventMove: function(args) {
const movedEvent = args.e;
var res = ;

// Check if new start and end are defined
if (args.newStart === undefined || args.newEnd === undefined) {
alert('Move action is undefined');

const hlaStartOr = new Date(;
const hlaEndOr = new Date(;
const newDateStart = args.newStart;
const newDateEnd = args.newEnd;
const newLineId = args.newResource;        
const originalStartDate = new Date(;
const originalEndDate = new Date(;

// Calculate differences directly for hlaStartOr and hlaEndOr
const startDifference = args.newStart.getTime() - originalStartDate.getTime();
const endDifference = args.newEnd.getTime() - originalEndDate.getTime();

// Convert differences to days and round to the nearest whole number
const daysInMilliseconds = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
const startDifferenceInDays = Math.round(startDifference / daysInMilliseconds);
const endDifferenceInDays = Math.round(endDifference / daysInMilliseconds);

console.log('hla diff start:', startDifferenceInDays);
console.log('hla diff end:', endDifferenceInDays);

// Apply differences to hlaStartOr and hlaEndOr
hlaStartOr.setTime(hlaStartOr.getTime() + startDifference);
hlaEndOr.setTime(hlaEndOr.getTime() + endDifference);

// Format hlaStartOr and hlaEndOr in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" format
const formattedNewHlaStart = hlaStartOr.toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace("T", " ");
const formattedNewHlaEnd = hlaEndOr.toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace("T", " ");
console.log('hla new start:', formattedNewHlaStart);
console.log('hla new end:', formattedNewHlaEnd);

// Display a confirmation popup
if (confirm(`Do you want to move the event to ${args.newStart} - ${args.newEnd}?`)) {
// Update the database with the new start and end dates
updateEventInDatabase(movedEvent, args, formattedNewHlaStart, formattedNewHlaEnd, newDateStart, newDateEnd, newLineId);
} else {
// If the user cancels the move, revert the changes[movedEvent]); // Assuming you have a way to revert the event to its original state


Furthermore i tried with this value using args.areaData in onEventResizeonEventResized, and onEventResizing. But can’t make it.

Of course i use the last version 2024.1.5888

Definetly Thanks you for your hard work.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 months ago.

When resizing the inner section, you need to adjust the args.start and args.end values in the onEventResizing event handler. This is explained in the following tutorial:

This tutorial adjusts the start and end every time. You will need to perform the adjustment conditionally, only when the specified active areas are used.

You can use the data property of an active area to store custom data (e.g. a flag) that will be passed to onEventResizing when this active areas is used. There, it will be available as args.areaData.

You need to do the same when saving the new position in onEventResize.

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