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How to move events across half day in the scheduler without setting time manually once the even is dropped

Asked by Himanshu S
11 days ago.

Thank you for the work done on the plugin. However we have reached a standstill. We are using the scheduler plugin and are looking for the options to enable to drag and drop Events both at the start of day and middle-of-day whichever the user wants. The start-of-day and middle-of-day would be highlighted by the position in the day block wherever the user is dragging the Event.

We found a workaround through one of the answers to set the time on completion of the drag + drop event but that only allows us to set a custom time and does not allow the user to choose whether to move the event at start of day or middle of day.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 days ago.

There are two options:

1. You can set the cell duration to half a day:

  scale: "CellDuration",
  cellDuration: 720,
  // ...

The time headers are independent and you can use "Day" as the groupBy value:

  timeHeaders: [
    { groupBy: "Day", format: "MMMM d, yyyy" },
    { groupBy: "Hour" }
  // ...

2. You can implement a custom snap-to-grid logic:

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