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cellmarginbottom seems not to work in DayPilot Lite Monthly Control

Asked by Anonymous
9 months ago.

I’m setting the cellmarginbottom value in the Javascript version of DFayPilot Lite as per the Javascript snippet here: = [];

dp.cellMarginBottom = 10;


The cells correctly expand when too many events are created to fit their native height but I never get a bottom margin on the last cell which means that there’s no white space in the cell to click to create a new event.

I’ve attached my javascript and an image of the page showing the cells and the properties of the daypilot control which shows the cellmarginbottom correctly set, but don’t get any margin. is this a bug or could something else be over-riding that setting?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 months ago.

This property was not supported in the Lite version, but it is now available in the latest release:

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