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Scheduler - auto width cells

Asked by Rolf
8 years ago.

Hi there,

Version 8.1.1757

Issues with auto cell width not working unless you resize the browser window whereby it resizes correctly when using the SCALE HOURS mode.

To replicate

Just take the scalehours.html demo page and add dp.cellWidthSpec = "Auto";

Run the page and you will see that you still have the extra days missing from the left but no scroll bar. As soon as you resize the page all the cells are resized and you get all 7 days squashed into the containing div area. It doesnt matter if the containing div has a pixel or relative (%) width.

Incidentally and to make thing more complicated! If you select dp.cellWidthSpec = "Auto", have a visible child resource and DO NOT set a rowHeaderWidth value it fills the containing div correctly.

If you set a rowHeaderWidth OR do not have any child resources OR have hidden child resources you get the same faulty behaviour whereby the cell width is not calculated till the window is resized.


Comment posted by Rolf
8 years ago.

As an aside if you call dp.Update() at anypoint after dp.init() it renders correctly which is a sort of fix or maybe how its supposed to be?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

This issue should be fixed now in the latest release (8.1.1821):

Let me know if the problem persists.

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