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utiliser le local storage

Related article: React Weekly Calendar Tutorial (Open-Source)
Asked by fx
7 months ago.

lorsque je rafraichi la page , les événements édités disparaissent.

cela pose problème.

il faut utiliser le local storage.

merci d’avance

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 months ago.

Yes, this example focused on the configuration of the React calendar on the client side (installation, changing the date, customizing appearance, …).

In a standard application, you will need to connect the calendar to a server-side backend that will store the calendar data in a database.

For an example of a PHP backend, please see the following tutorial:

You can also use ASP.NET Core:

Or Spring Boot (Java):

These tutorials don’t use React but the logic is the same.

You could store the event data in local storage, but I don’t recommend it.

  • It’s tied to a specific device/browser.

  • The storage size is limited.

  • It will get cleared when the browser cache is cleared.

Local storage is good for temporary or cached data, but not for data that needs to be stored reliably.

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