Questions Tagged jsx
Answered: The recurrence needs to be handled on the server side. You need to supply the expanded occurrences to the calendar as part of the dataset. Most likely, you will want to show an icon indicating that t...
utiliser le local storage
Answered: Yes, this example focused on the configuration of the React calendar on the client side (installation, changing the date, customizing appearance, …). In a standard application, you will need to conne...
dropdown in progress bar
Answered: You can add custom objects (icons, etc.) to the row header columns using active areas. To add an active area, use the onBeforeRowHeaderRender event handler: onBeforeRowHeaderRender = (args) => {
onBeforeRowHeaderDomAdd disables expandable tree styles?
Answered: In the onBeforeRowHeaderDomAdd event handler, you can specify the target that of the custom element using the property. By default, it is set to "Cell". In this case, it will overwrite th...
How to change the time frame to span from 9 AM to 9 PM only (React Scheduler)
Answered: If you use scale: "Hour", which displays one hour per cell, you can hide the non-business hours using the built-in mechanism. React example: import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { DayPilo...
Task time selection may get wrong then How to reselect it ,by deleting before task time in UI. And how to save it in server and local storage as data.
Hey!! Thanks for kind help by providing this doc. I have to customize it for purpose of self learning. Hope forums gonna help me out for this. Recently ,I have doubt which I posted “Task time selecti...
Answered: It is only available as a package. You can find the pricing details at the Buy page ( If you have any questions regarding licensing or if you need a PDF quote, p...
daypilot-pro-react package is free for React Calender Component?
Answered: Yes, the "daypilot-pro-react" package is paid. If you are looking for the free package, take a look at "@daypilot/daypilot-lite-react": The...
this in undefined in the addEvent example
Answered: This hint is correct, you can't use "this" in a functional React component. You'll need to create a variable instead:
const Scheduler = () => {
let scheduler: DayPilot.Scheduler;
Features available for react js schedular
Answered: All DayPilot Pro for JavaScript features are available in React as well. To learn more about event editing, please see the following documentation page:
how to delete link
Answered: You can delete a link using the api: Users can delete a link using a context menu:
adding columns
Answered: If you mean the row header columns you can change them using "rowHeaderColumns" property. In React, you can use rowHeaderColumns attribute of the <DayPilotScheduler> tag. See also: https://doc.daypil...
Questions 1-12 of 12