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Using SQL with DayPilot

Asked by Ammar
10 years ago.

I love Daypilot and looking into purchasing the pro version now.
I am familiar with .net and my first thought was to used sql with forum. However, I noticed that the application what somewhat slow to respond sometimes, so I am looking into using JS version instead.
I am however not very familiar with how to integrate the javascript Dailypilot with SQL?
Any help on the subject?

Best wishes

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

Take a look at the following tutorial:

It uses the Lite version to show how to load data and handle events using a very light-weight server-side part. It uses simple jQuery $.post() calls to submit changes. The data is loaded in JSON format. This makes the server-side part very thin.

It includes examples for PHP and ASP.NET MVC but you can easily implement the server-side part in ASP.NET WebForms. Just you will be returning JSON responses.

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