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Link Customization - Layer "Above" or "Below"

Asked by Nick
1 month ago.

Hi there,

I’m implementing links in the scheduler Angular Component. Everything looks okay but I have 2 questions.

  1. How does the layer property works? If I put “Above” I expect the link to be on z-index higher than the events. But it still get the links “under” the events.

  2. I’m using “FinishToStart” where I would like to have the links always point to the start of the event, the left side. I see in the examples this is the case, but for if the events are directly under each other (in a different resource) the link will point to the top of the event. Can I modify this behaviour?

Thank you in advance!

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 month ago.

1. The default linkLayer value is set to "Above" and you can see this behavior in the Links demo as well. Instead of using z-index, it uses the two different layers that are inserted into the DOM in a specific order (before or after the events layer).

If you specify z-index for your event content, the events will pop up in front of everything, so try to avoid that.

2. You can’t modify the path at the moment, but it would be possible to add a switch for that.

The Scheduler uses this shorter path when the start of the next event coincides with the end of the previous event—an arrangement that is quite common. In contrast, the “S” type path looks a bit odd in these scenarios. The “S” line path is used when the next event starts before the previous one ends, indicating a dependency that is typically invalid.

Comment posted by Nick
1 month ago.

Thank you for the answers! Seems like I had some custom CSS on the event.

In the meantime I observed something else, can you have multiple links from 1 event? For example: event 1 that has 3 links to event 2, event 3 and event 4? I have created the links in the config but the HTML is not rendered for all of them.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 month ago.

Yes, you can have as many links to and from the same event as you want.

If the events don’t display, the event IDs may not be correct (check also the type, e.g. string vs. number).

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