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Crerating events side by side

Asked by Tony
1 month ago.

When an event is created on the daily view calendar, the even square box is almost full until the end of the frame.

If I want to create a second event starting at the same time, I need to double clikc my mouse very close to the edge.

double cliking the calendar time does not trigger anything.

Is there a way to make this behave like outlook if I double click on the time side bar it would create an event or make the box smaller to allow ease of point the mouse to an empty area beside the existing event and creating a side by side events.?

thank you

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 month ago.

There was an issue that prevented double click on calendar cells next to existing events from working. It was fixed in version 2025.1.6333, so make sure that you are using the latest release.

I assume that you have already enabled the cell double click using the timeRangeSelectedHandling property (by default, it is disabled).

You can increase the column margin width using the columnMarginRight property.

Comment posted by Tony
1 month ago.

Seems like the timerangeselectedhandling works only within the lines. when I double click on the say 1pm cell it does not trigger create event

Comment posted by Anonymous
1 month ago.

THanks for the reply.

in aspx the value of TimeRangeSelectedValue = “javascript”.

in aspx.cs there are 6 options no Enable tho.


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