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Scheduler Resource Name and ID

Asked by James
15 years ago.


I facing this problem as i want to get the resource name when createing a new event in javascript. currently

i only have this 3 property to access (start, end, column) which column return me the resource ID,

How can i get the resource name or innerHTML , been trying but cant find. Please help. Thanks

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

The collection of resources is available as dps.resources (hierarchically) and as dps.rows (flat structure, in the order as displayed).

You can go through dps.rows array and check dps.rows[i].Value (which is the resource ID). The inner HTML is available as dps.rows[i].InnerHTML. But please remember that this is not documented and it might change in the future (although it's not likely).

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