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Next.js Resource-Scheduling Calendar (Open-Source) i have a problem using it on mobile the controls are the problem

this is the code .How can i make the controls phone frendly? 'use client'; import React, {useEffect, useState} from "react"; import {DayPilot, DayPilotCalendar, DayPilotNavigator} from "@daypilot/day...

How to detect click on disabled cell

I’m following the demo here setting a cell as disabled: It seems like it also disables all events from triggering. Is there a way to ...

Dr Appointment usecase in Angular

Do you have Dr Appointment usercase in Angular. It is available .net with razor pages. Expecting the same in Angular and .Net

Can i set 45 minutes meeting time in daypilot without pro version?

Answered: The duration of the time slots in the open-source edition is fixed and is set to 30 minutes in the current version. You can display 45-minute events in the calendar, but the event box will be aligned...

Cell Height for the event no correct

Answered: It the open-source version, the event box is always aligned with the grid cells. In the Pro version, it is possible to turn off this behavior (see exact event duration). The real start and end is hig...

Why onEventDelete method delete the event from frontend when click delete?

Answered: If you want to wait for the result of an HTTP request, you need to cancel the default action using args.preventDefault() and delete the event manually using event.remove() method when the HTTP reques...

Time Range Click with multi range not working

Answered: These events are fired for the current selection (the one you click), but you can always get all selected time ranges using the multiselect.get() method. Please let me know if this is not what you ar...

How to get the event div position in daypilot

Answered: You can mark the event div with a custom attribute using the onAfterEventRender event handler: onAfterEventRender: args => { args.div.dataset.eventId =; } Than you can get the even...

Cannot Change View Type To "Resources"

Answered: Most likely, you are using DayPilot Lite for ASP.NET WebForms - the open source version for ASP.NET. At this moment, the resources view is supported in the open-source JavaScript version and in all P...

DayPilotMonth Integration with MS Outlook

Answered: You are right, this iCalendar tutorial is a bit outdated. I’ve added your request to the tutorial plan and it should appear at soon. We don’t plan to add iCalendar support directly ...
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