Business hours management scheduler
Good morning, I'm setting business hours in my scheduler. I was able to manage moving tasks without any problems so that the task adapts based on the actual working hours. I have a problem while load...
groupConcurrentEvents expand/close all
Answered: You can find an example in the following demo: Group Concurrent Events (Demo) It shows how to add an expand/collapse icon to the row headers using the onBeforeRowHeaderRender event handler.
Facing Issue To Export Data
Hello Team, I,m using latest version (DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 2025.1.6345). I have customize design layout for my calendar. You can check when i export it is not showing same as loaded calendar v...
Auto fill scheduler events to cell height
Answered: Unfortunately, that is not possible. Events are arranged in horizontal lines inside rows (see also Event placement strategies) and the line height is determined by the event height. It is possible to...
Facing Issue To Set Time Range in Resource View
Answered: The properties you are using are not correct. There are two options: You can change the business hours (business hours affect the viewport height in the default config - see also Height) using busine...
Concurrent Event Group Missing Events
Answered: This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2025.1.6343).
ideas for grouping events in Calendar
Answered: The best way would probably be to add the nested events as active areas inside events. The position of active areas can be specified in pixels (top/bottom/height properties) or you can replace top an...
Issue With Horizontal Scrolling Reset in RTL Resource View in Latest Released Version
Answered: I assume that you are referring to this issue. It has been fixed in the latest sandbox build (i.e. 2025.1.6339+). You can download the latest build in the sandbox. The next official release that will...
DayPilotMonth - span multiple pages based after x number of events
Answered: Update: The Weeks mode is fully supported by the server-side image export so you can export individual weeks by setting ViewType to Weeks (DayPilot.Web.Ui.Enums.Month.ViewTypeEnum.Weeks), Weeks to 1 ...
Issue With Horizontal Scrolling Reset in RTL Resource View
Answered: This was caused by a bug in the AutoScroll feature. The problem should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2025.1.6339).
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