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Gantt Chart Issue with Link Shape to RightAngled per version 2025.1.6345

Answered: The linkShape property is now available in the Gantt chart in the latest sandbox build (2025.1.6403).

Is it possible to implement timeheader with 3 hours as a part, but cell with 15 minutes as a part

Answered: Yes, this is possible. If the built-in time header units don’t work for you, you can define custom segments, as described in the following tutorial: JavaScript Scheduler: Custom Time Header Segments

Is there a way to display total quantities from events in the Scheduler Scale header, aggregated both weekly and monthly

Answered: Yes, you can use the onBeforeTimeHeaderRender event handler to customize the time header. There is a tutorial available that shows how to calculate the summary/utilization details using methods like ...

Frozen rows ASP

Answered: Unfortunately, the frozen rows feature is only available in the JavaScript version.

Issue when tapping multiple cells from Ipad.

Answered: This problem should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2025.1.6400).

Sort events in combination of 'Sort' and 'Line'

I’m looking for a way to sort my events but i’m not sure if there is a way. i want to use ‘Line’, but this is overlapping my items. This sorting is too absolute. If I use ‘Sort’ the empty spots will ...

Prevent refresh of date to today

Answered: Sorry for the delay! It looks like you might reset the StartDate value at some point. I recommend checking Page_Load and the <DayPilot:DayPilotNavigator> tag. It also depends how you refresh the page...

Crerating events side by side

Answered: There was an issue that prevented double click on calendar cells next to existing events from working. It was fixed in version 2025.1.6333, so make sure that you are using the latest release. I assum...

Is it possible to hide the parents and leave the children with its events visible

Answered: You can use the row filter to hide selected rows in the Scheduler. If you set rowFilterParentsAlwaysVisible to false, the parent rows that don’t match the filter will be hidden as well.

onShow weird behavior

Answered: 1. The update() method incorrectly cleared the source value, indeed. This problem should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2025.1.6384). 2. It’s not clear what exactly is going on in your onS...
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