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when custom theme link is not proper

When custom theme gantt chart, link between task is not displayed properly arrow is replayed like a semicircle

How to handle the progressBar per row in scheduler Angular

Answered: You can take a look at the JavaScript Scheduler: Resource Utilization Chart for Rows tutorial:

ExcelJS is not an optional property in the scheduler config

Answered: Thanks for reporting the problem. This issue has been fixed in a special release (2025.1.6429), which is now available.

Hovering a draggable event and change row background-color

Answered: Sorry for the delay. This can be done like this: const scheduler = new DayPilot.Scheduler("scheduler", { onRowMouseOver: args => { if (app.dragging) { args.row.cells.all()....

Is it possible to edit gantt chart event

Answered: Yes, it is possible to activate inline editing mode for the row headers, or you can open a modal dialog with task details on click (see Task Editing).

is it possible to edit the event

Answered: Please see here:

Facing issue while exporting data in RTL

Answered: Unfortunately, the image export is not supported in the RTL mode at the moment. It’s in the plan, but we can’t promise any delivery date.

overriding event start/end in moving to snap to a certain time isn't being reflected in the event overlap handling

Answered: It looks like you are using an older version - could you please give it a try with the latest release?

How to groupBy?

Answered: You can create custom time header segments using the method described in this tutorial: JavaScript Scheduler: Custom Time Header Segments

Excel export for Gantt?

Answered: Hi Leo, Sorry for the delay. Gantt export to Excel in the works and it will be available soon.
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