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Add a textbox on each row of Scheduler

Asked by Anonymous
10 years ago.


I'd like to add a textbox on each resource, so on each row there is the row Title ("Richard"), the user home ("Aberdeen") and a textbox which user can add a "note". After this, there is the calendar

So, there is 3 columns (label, label, textbox)

Like but not just labels, instead have an editable textbox not just 3 columns of labels

I've started with this but cannot find how to display a textbox input field

Thanks in advance for help

<DayPilot:Resource Name="Richard" Value="10" Expanded="False">
<DayPilot:ResourceColumn InnerHTML="Aberdeen" />
<DayPilot:ResourceColumn InnerHTML="Textbox here!" />

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

You can add the textbox by setting custom InnerHTML to something like "<input type='text' id='myid' />'. You can access it through Resources collection or using BeforeResHeaderRender event (e.Columns[1].Html).

However, this won't let you insert <asp:TextBox> control.

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