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Use Theme file and event height

Asked by r2b2s
10 years ago.


I've tried to use downloaded theme file and all my event will displayed with bad height (shortest)

If i set cssonly to false my event are well displayed (eg. 3h) with cssonly it's depend of html content

Comment posted by r2b2s
10 years ago.

now it's working ???

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

The default CSS themes (white, green, transparent, etc.) and themes created using should not affect the event dimensions.

When adjusting the theme manually please remember that the event is created using two divs (_event and _event_inner). The dimensions of the outer div (_event) are set by DayPilot. For the inner div, you should use absolute position with dimensions related to the outer div (i.e. top, left, bottom, right) and overflow:hidden.


	position: absolute;
	overflow: hidden;
	top: 0px;
	bottom: 2px;
	left: 2px;
	right: 0px;

Let me know if there is still any problem.

Comment posted by r2b2s
10 years ago.

thanks for your detailled answer. Now it's ok i don,t know exactlly what append ??


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