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Questions Tagged theme

when custom theme link is not proper

When custom theme gantt chart, link between task is not displayed properly arrow is replayed like a semicircle

How to change css and html of Daypilot

Answered: You can use custom CSS easily - the best way is to generate a calendar CSS theme online. You can modify it manually as needed. In the open-source version, you can customize the inner HTML of events, ...

Scheduler - How to switch between dark and light themes

Answered: You can switch the CSS theme using the update() method: dp.update({theme: "my_dark_theme"}); And back: dp.update({theme: "my_light_theme"}); Both theme files need to be included in the page using <li...

Use Theme file and event height

Answered: The default CSS themes (white, green, transparent, etc.) and themes created using should not affect the event dimensions. When adjusting the theme manually please remember ...

Themes not working correctly?

Answered: looks like it was just confusion on my part as to how the cssOnly attribute worked. if I manually set the background with beforecellrender as seen at
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